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Bylaws and Policy Manual

Please find attached PDF copies of the proposed bylaw documents for your review and approval.

On April 23, we emailed you a proposed final version of the bylaw documents with a link to an on-line voting system to have the proposed documents approved. A summary list of any changes will also be provided. You will be given 7 days from the date of receiving the link to vote on the final documents. The voting form will CLOSE on April 30, 2021. We will follow our current bylaw (unchanged in the proposed version) that states 40% of membership constitutes a quorum vote for bylaw revisions and 60% of those voting need to vote in favor

A brief summary of the proposed changes from the previous version of the bylaws is presented below:

- Updated the language to be consistent with MAAC and Transport Canada requirements.

- Associate Members have no flying privileges (also no MAAC requirement).

- A "special circumstance' clause has been added (4.4) to allow the Board to discount the annual fee for compassionate reasons or as a reward for service.

- Meetings may be held in-person, online or a combination of both.

- Voting may be in person, by signed proxy or by online forms. Proxy votes are considered to contribute to the quorum.

- Expenses above $1,000 will need to be approved by the membership (7.1). (Changed from $100).

We strongly encourage you to participate with the on-line voting. It is the only way we can proceed at the present time under the current CoVid-19 restrictions.

Please forward any questions or comments you may have regarding the bylaws to me for compilation and submission to the Board.


Tom Corbett, President AMAS


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