Airdrie Modellers Aircraft Society
We have received a MAAC SOC for flying RPA at the Balzac airfield.
All Pilots flying RPAs must have an Advanced Pilot Certificate.
We have received a MAAC SOC for flying RPA at the Colpitt Ranches Airfield
All Pilots flying RPAs must have a Basic Pilot Certificate
Airfield Flying Rules
(Currently under review, changes are pending regarding drone rules along with maximum altitude rules)
MAAC insurance required
All fliers and students must be members or guests (max two times a year) of active members
Only qualified pilots are permitted to fly solo
Members are responsible for their guests at all times
Place pin on frequency board before turning on transmitter (including 2.4 GHz!)
Only qualified pilots or trainees permitted in the flying area (behind the fence)
Maximum four aircraft in the air at any time
No flying over no fly zones (see the map)
Standing on runways not allowed except to take off or to retrieve your aircraft
All pilots shall call out their intention to take off, land or stepping on the runway, unless they fly alone
When flying, pilots must be behind the pilot station fence
Airplane pilots shall use only an active runway, determined based on the current wind conditions, for their take offs and landings
Airplane pilots shall avoid the area dedicated to helicopter operation if there is a helicopter present in that area
Helicopter pilots shall perform all hovering and 3D maneuvers within the dedicated area and avoid the area used by fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters flying circuits
Helicopter pilots can choose to fly circuits in the same way as airplanes and use the area dedicated to general flying of the circuit. However, if there are airplanes present in this area, it is preferable to take off and land the helicopter away from the main, active runway.
All engines must be equipped with mufflers
Jet turbines not allowed on AMAS airfield
Other Airfield Rules
No unleashed dogs (unrestrained animals) on the airfield
No smoking
Flying under influence of drugs or alcohol strictly forbidden
Take your garbage home; keep the site clean
The last person leaving the airfield is responsible for closing and locking the gate
Violating the club airfield rules may result in revoking membership privileges