2022 President's Report
We are now well into the 2022 flying year. AMAS is the best RC club we have, and we want to continue to provide a safe and fun place to enjoy our hobby. Our Balzac Airfield is in great shape – thanks to the efforts of Terry and his team. We all need to help so we can maintain a clean facility.
Our membership has increased to 133 so far. We have trained and issued several ‘wings’ this year. Most of the new people have been assigned instructors and training continues.
We have a Policy Manual which outlines safety policies and procedures when enjoying our Airfield. It is important to follow these policies such as a maximum of 4 aircraft in the air at one time. Also, very important that we ‘announce’ takeoffs and landings. Always be considerate and allow equal access to our fellow members. All incidents whether they involve injury or not MUST be reported to AMAS executive.
Everyone, remember to be Safe and have fun.
Tom Corbett