Airdrie Modellers Aircraft Society
Trading Post
How to Post an Ad Here
This section is devoted mostly to club members, but we wouldn’t say no to other modelers interested in posting their ads here, as long as they are related to R/C aircraft models. A.M.A.S. is not responsible for the listing contents or trade execution. A buyer or seller, who posts the ad is responsible for keeping it up to date. Each listing will expire and will be removed from the site within 60 days after its last update date.
Please feel free to send us your requests to post and updates to: inquiries@amasrc.ca or secretary@amasrc.ca
Please include images, web links and detailed description. Don’t forget your contact information.
Services Available:
Vacuum forming
Canopies, cowlings , gun blisters, fairings etc.
Vinyl cutting
Decals and paint masks etc.
Laser cutting
Up to 3mm thick plywood. Must supply materials (up to 400 mm x 400 mm) and cut ready digital file/drawing for scanning.
$20 min charge.
Contact: Bruce Friend
(403) 975-3182
I can discuss pricing and process details with anyone interested
For Sale
T28 - $250
Apprentice - $150
(both come with batteries)
Spektrum NX 8 radio - $475

Contact: Neil Jakab